Blogging Experience!
Well today I'm going to tell you about my experience writing this serie of blogs and how is my view about this activity as a feedback work. In this way, I believe that writing blogs could be a good activity tu put in practice the writing skill of english, but, I don't know if doing it every week is so significant. I mean, maybe doing it just one per month, but with some rules of writing, it could be more feedback. For example, putting as a condition, some vocabulary that you have to use yes or yes. Certainly, I like writing in english these blogs, but from my point of view, it is a little boring if you can write almost everything that is related to the topic, I think that many students just translate the stuff from spanish to english in google and put it in the blog. Maybe if the teacher teach us some adverbs and more tecnic vocabulary... it would be more helpful. Taking in consideration the above, I also think that the topics are sometimes a little "bas...