Why did I choose this programme/career?
Why did I choose this programme/career?
From the begining, when I was a child, I've never imagined that someday I'll become a public administrator, instead of that "public world", I loved trains (yeah, I know that it sounds weird, but I just love them). I remember that always when I used to talk to my parents and they asked me "what do you want to be when you grow up" I said "train driver!".
But then I realized that being a train driver wasn't a good choice for my life, so I decided to focus on another matter of work. At the age of 8-9, I was very interested in stars and the universe, I really liked reading about planets and staff like that. Becoming an astronomer was my dream during all my school period until the age of 14-15.

Thanks to the climate of companionship until now in the university, I haven't had vocation problems, I like the Public Administration and all the work areas that touch it, specially I like the fact that is a "very politic" career. ( 😉 ) So yeah.. I hope to become a good public administrator and hopefully work on a Ministry or in a Public Service!

oh brandon:O I never thought how small you wanted to be train driver