
Resultado de imagen para pets

Hi everyone! today as you can see in the title the topic is about pets. To be clear, I don't really have one, and if I sincere, I don't like so much the idea to have a pet. For me to have a pet implies so much responsability, it is another being! and I can hardly with myself! (lol). But well, instead of telling you about what I think about of having a pet, I'll write about what pet I would like to have. 

Well, the pet I would like to have is a hedghog, I know that isn't very common, but since I saw an advertising of a chilean multi-shop on YouTube (they created a series of videos), I just felt in love with those animals! they're so cute and little and their faces emanate so much love.. 💓. So yeah, since that moment I had the idea to have one, not neccessary now, but maybe someday (because the reason I said to you before about having pets).

Resultado de imagen para hedgehog pet

The thing that I like the most of them, is the fact that they don't need so much attention as a dog, for example, and they're also very little, so yeah, is easy to take care of them. I'm not saying that you don't have to put attention on them, but it isn't quite neccessary in a big way. Besides the fact , they're so cute and lovely.

I think if I have a hedghog, I would call it Aristóteles, in case of it would be male, and if it would be female, I'll call it Alisa or Ayn. That's because I like to call pets with important names of history (in this case names of philosophers), I think that it sounds funny. ☺

                                    Resultado de imagen para hedgehog


  1. that boring brandon, you don´t like the pets

  2. jaja I'm afraid of the spikes of the hedgehog


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