The person who I admire...

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Ayn Rand

Well today I'm going to talk about a little more about someone instead of "something", and yea.. like you could see in the title, is about the person that I admire. 

For some people is bit difficult to define someone who is an object of inspiration o admiration, but a few years ago, I discovered someone who is... how to say it? "E-X-C-E-P-T-I-O-N-A-L", maybe I'm sounding a bit exaggerated, but I really appreciate her works and her long career as a writer and philosopher, and well, to stop the suspense, she is Ayn Rand. 💖

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Flags of Soviet Union and US

Good, as I said before, Ayn Rand was a writer and a philosopher. She was born in the Czarist Russia or Russian Empire, on February 2, 1905 in St. Petersburg, she was also of jewish origin. At the end of 1925 she obtained permission to leave Soviet Russia and visit her relatives in the United States, where she arrived in February 1926, at twenty-one. She never came back, because she hated Russia and even more since the Bolshevik revolution, where her family's assets were expropriated, so she decided to stay in the United States until she obtained nationality. She lived in that country until 1982, where she died on March 6 of that same year.

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Hollywood's representation

During her life, she wrote numerous works, the first were related to the cinema, because it was a category that she liked, in fact, Los Angeles, and specifically Hollywood was one of the places where she spent her first years in the United States. Also, it was in that place where she met her first boss and also her first love.

However, during the following years, she began to write about political philosophy, relying on her university studies and research, rescued much of the Aristotelian logic, which served as the basis for the creation of his own philosophy, called objectivism. In addition, she also wrote several novels that rescued values and principles of objectivism, especially two of her works were of great relevance to the American public, these were: The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.

After having written those works, she jumped to fame in the United States, where she was in charge of spreading her ideals and her philosophical bases on objectivism. She was a fierce opponent of altruism, and consequently, towards socialism and religion (she was an atheist).

So now... why I like her? well, the answer isn't very difficult but it's not easy to spit it out, though. Although in the first years, and the first times I listened to her story and when she spoke about objectivism, she seemed a crazy extremist, with time I managed to realize the solid bases on which her message was nourished. She was an advocate of rational selfishness, individualism and laissez-faire capitalism, arguing that it is the only economic system that allows the human being to live as such, that is, making use of its faculty of reasoning.

In general, her ideals ended up captivating my mind, and they helped me to realize that I should be the driving force of my own life without taking benefit of the rest or that the rest take benefit of me in an unfair way. It made me realize how wonderful life is and how many possibilities there are in realizing it. Also, that man must choose his values and actions through reason, that each individual has the right to exist for himself, without sacrificing for others or sacrificing others for himself, and that no one has the right to obtain values from of others resorting to physical force. In the end, she was and served as a source of inspiration to consolidate me as a liberal (classical liberal mixed with an objectivist) or libertarian (speaking in US political terms).

Resultado de imagen para objectivism ayn rand


  1. Brandon always is a taste read your blog , What is rational selfishness?

  2. I have to admit that I did not know her, a pleasure to read your blog,


  3. Brandon that good that there is a person that inspires you in that way


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